Tuesday 20 March 2012

The New Look

Well, puffins, I hope you like the new look. Pink is pretty girly, but there is something about pink stripes that is just so...girly-girly.

When my thriller comes out, I will publish a contrasting blog in black, silver, geometric shapes and brooding photographs of Central Europe.

I have also decided to add a rotating staff of virtual bouncers, based solely on their looks. Errol may have not behaved particularly well when he was alive, but now that he is dead, he will serve as the kind of man that other men hate on first sight.

The difficult thing about writing blogs of this kind, blogs that deal with women's most personal feelings of faith, hope, love, eros, sorrow, confusion, fear, violation, disappointment and rejection, is that it leaves both women readers and the writer a trifle exposed.

Recent conversations with men have left me wondering if I should simply stop writing this blog or just do an extreme makeover. There are other blogs for (and also BY) Single women, so I sometimes I wonder why I'm still doing this.

But then I get emails from Single women telling me that I have really helped them, or an email from a Single woman who is frightened, tempted or heartbroken and wants my advice, or an email from a priest who says, in effect, "Spot on, Seraphic."

So here we are.


some guy on the street said...

Rose for Laetare week, how suitab... oh, you explain very carefully that that's not it.

Mr. Flynn also made a decent Robin Hood on occasion, so... yes, he can stay.

Seraphic said...

Sorry, J. Apologies to all long-term male readers of auld lang syne. But sadly it has to be done.

Kim Vandapool said...

Very easy on the eyes, I like it! And I'm not a girly-girl. To me blogs are like rooms and they can be fun to decorate and redecorate.

Cheyene said...

Oh no Seraphic! For a minute there, I was frightened that you were going to stop this blog! I've learned so much from it (I'm an older teenager who hasn't started dating/or/courtship yet and I am glad that I was led to your blog and able to "stock up" on wisdom before I "go out into the field") and I just love my Auntie Seraphic! :-) And the new look is just perfectly lovely. I LOVE stripes!



Hilary Jane Margaret White said...

The pink is extrenely nice, and I think the stripes give it an orderliness that keeps it from being too froo-froo. The blue always struck me as a bit too cool a colour for the subject.

But seriously, Errol Flynn, though stunningly handsome, is not at all the sort of man I'd want to propose as any sort of role model.

Anna said...

I like the redesign and I love Seraphic Singles and would be sad if you stopped writing.

Seraphic said...

I am not proposing Errol Flynn as a role model. I am exploiting his pencil moustache for my own purposes.

Seraphic said...

I will not stop writing because I do not want to make girls sad. Boys can read my other stuff. I write lots of stuff.

Oh, and I think Errol's smile might be just as annoying as his pencil moustache.

Mollie said...

Dear Auntie,

Please never stop writing this blog. As a former single (now blissfully engaged), the best relationship advice I ever received was from my married friends. Having successfully navigated the single life, they were able to impart a well rounded view of each stage in a girls' life. Their loving support and friendship helped me through some of my single life's harder moments, and I honestly owe them my current happiness. So never stop writing for single women!

Hilary Jane Margaret White said...

When I was a kid, I wanted to be both a doctor and a pirate because of Captain Blood. It is still one of my all time favourite movies. And that dress Olivia deHaviland wore... oh MY!!!

Hilary Jane Margaret White said...

..and I can see the YouTube video now. Before it showed only a little sliver. odd. And now I recognise the voiceover.

Domestic Diva said...

I love the pink and I LOVE this blog! As an older reader, it encourages me to read your stories & your advice. You've walked in my shoes and are sharing the lessons you learned so that I can learn from them too. And you are now married, which gives me hope: hope to not give up on the dream of marrying, and hope (as in confidence) that life is good even if I'm still single. So thanks for writing, and...I love the pink. :)

Sylvia said...

It looks great! Well done. :)

Mrs McLean said...

@Hilary. You see, sometimes you have to put sad thoughts about the bad behaviour of dead movie stars who were once very handsome out of your mind and just enjoy watching their handsome movie selves.

Nate said...

I, for one, will not stop reading this most wonderful of blogs. The content is such that a few pink stripes here and there couldn't scare me off.

I have to admit it though I was surprised.

The Errol Flynn Robin Hood is one of my favorite movies of all time.

Seraphic said...

Yes, but it's for girls.

Anonymous said...

The Errol Flynn Robin Hood is for girls? Don't tell my seven brothers that ... :)

ceciliamaria said...


I LOVE the new look! And I'm glad you are sticking around! I've been ever-so grateful for your no-nonsense advice.

And I still swoon over Flynn's Robin Hood. He was so dashing...

Eowyn said...

I fully and unabashedly approve of the pink AND the stripes. I'm fighting the urge to qualify that statement somehow, but I will not. I like pink.

I think I like your blog more than I like pink though, so I'm especially happy that you want to keep blogging :)

Catherine said...

1. Love the stripes!
2. So glad you're continuing this blog - your posts are just the right combination of humor, empathy, rock-solid Catholicism, and no-nonsense clear-headed advice, and I'm grateful for it. I don't have that sort of role model or confidant in "real life," so it's a blessing to hear these things from you.

Sundancer said...

I love your blog! Your advice has been so helpful to me in many ways. :)

The Crescat said...

What you provide is an invaluable service. I am profoundly grateful for your advice and I sincerely mean it when I say that you have helped me in all manner of things - most especially with trusting and liking other women.

I don't know how some women write about being single all the time when the themselves are single. It depresses me so to harp on the subject and write the constant reminders.

And single women don't mind advice from married women, at least we know your advice worked!

Beth said...

I hope you never stop writing this blog! Your advice is always wonderful. I don't comment as often as I should, but I always, always look forward to reading your posts. Glad that you're sticking with it :)

Seraphic said...

Sigh. The BLOG is for girls.

Jen D said...

I enjoy reading your blog - it has helped me to become more seraphic in my singleness. :) And now it's very pretty too!

Kate P said...

I'm enjoying the fresh new look.

Another "Captain Blood" fan here!)

Charming Disarray said...

I love the new look! And please don't stop blogging.

Mrs Doyle said...


And Errol stays.

Christine said...

The pink doesn't really yank my chain, but I love the blog and hope you keep writing. You've written some of the best advice I've ever seen on singleness, dating, getting married etc. and I'm constantly loaning my copy of the book and forwarding your blog address to my girlfriends. What you've got here is gold.

Andrea said...

Love the new, fresh look and please don't stop blogging! I've learned so much. I have not personally found another site that does the same thing as you do. I think your tone is unique; also your ecumenical approach. You seem to be able to span the different denominations of Christianity (and indeed, all people of goodwill) in a way that other blogs don't.

Johannes Faber said...

I actually love the rebrand, but I can't be reading the blog at college any more lol!

Tall girl said...

Springtime brings a new look to the blog, but the same wonderful you! I'm so glad you will keep blogging! This is quite honestly one of my favorite places to come for solid, straight advice on how to navigate relationships and the single life. I always appreciate your perspective, Auntie! Thank you for continuing to blog and for serving us all in this way. :)

Seraphic said...

Aw, thanks, girls! And special thanks to Andrea because I'm so glad other Singles of Good Will are still reading! :-D

Cordi said...


I am very glad you aren't going to stop writing. I've been reading your blog for years now, and enjoy it very much. However, I don't understand what the big deal is about having men read and comment. I, for one, like hearing their input. Perhaps, though, there is a part of the story of which I am unaware.

Mustard Seed said...

Please never stop writing your blog! Your advice has changed my outlook on singledom, and by proxy, my life. I know that sounds dramatic, but your work matters! :)