Saturday, 15 February 2014

Polish Pretend Son Pontificates

Said Polish Pretend Son to my hopes that his adoring fans have sent him tributes:

"Any interest I might have had in the Valentine's Day ended around high school. I do not care for it at all, for it is a silly Western tradition, foreign to the Polish culture, celebrating the most vulgar female instincts, and resulting in pathetic mass male stupefaction."

Naturally I was asked at today's Seraphic Singles Toronto V-Day Meeting if I would ever recommend Polish Pretend Son to any of my friends and readers.

I said that would depend on the girl.


Gregaria said...

I have a Polish (guy) friend -- very smart, very Catholic. This sounds like something he would say. Haha! I agree that it takes the right girl.

Julia said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! As someone of Polish extraction, this response doesn't surprise me!!!

(P.S. Is that quote actually verbatim? Please say yes!)

Seraphic said...

Tak, owszem! (Yes, of course!)

Seraphic said...

Incidentally, I would recommend Polish Pretend Son to Polish girls.

PolishTraveler said...

Where ARE the very smart, very Catholic Polish men? The Polish men I meet very rarely qualify for the other two descriptors.

Does Polish Pretend Son have a latent Polish Romantic streak in spite of the lack of sentimentalism? I mean, the 19th century Mickiewicz and Slowacki, freedom-loving, passionate-for-the-cause type of Romanticism? Just curious.

Seraphic said...

Ha! I wouldn't call it latent.

Julia said...

Haha! Seraphic, Polish Pretend Son might regard me as Faux Polish, I think. When you're born in Australia to an Anglo ethnic mother, you might have to hand in your Polish card.

Just by the by, one of my recently-engaged friends has a Polish mother and a Vietnamese father. They met on pilgrimage in France, and she was born in Malaysia. That's a pretty cool family history!

Rebecca M. said...

I mostly agree with him and I'm a young Texas gal (23). I spent Valentine's Day with my best friend and roommate watching silly movies, eating take out, and drinking some vino in a celebration of friendship. (and vino)

Seraphic said...

No, Julia. As a matter of fact, Polish Pretend Son sternly reproved me for saying once that you weren't Polish. A half-Pole is still a Pole, however Australian, according to PPS, and PPS said my words may have damaged you, or something like that.

Julia said...

Well, rest assured, Seraphic, I emerged from that exchange completely unscathed. :) In fact, it didn't even occur to me as being anything offensive.

Oh, by the way, my eighteen-year-old Single sister saw your 'Seraphic Singles' book floating around at home and she read it and loved it. She says, though, that she shouldn't read it again because she wants to get married and the book made her too excited about staying Single!!!

Yes, as you know, eighteen-year-olds get hassled about being Single, and my sister is not an exception.

Seraphic said...

Unless she feels really called to be a wife-and-mum right NOW, she SHOULD be single! :-D Rare is the contemporary 18 year old called to marriage...I think PPS might want a photo of her, though. We do not see eye to eye on this "18 year old girls shouldn't get married" thing.

Julia said...

Well, I should clarify for PPS that my sister wants to get married ONE DAY, not RIGHT NOW. And thank goodness for that (sorry, PPS, but I'm with Seraphic on this one).

Amused said...

I agree with Polish Pretend Son! But, I usually don't dare to admit it. As I am a woman without a boyfriend, most people--most other women, anyway--will just think I'm bitter.