Friday, 1 November 2013

Sudden Burst of Housewifely Edinburghness

Cherubs! I can't write this morning as I have so much to do! First, I am running along to an ancient cemetery to make sure my one Edinburgh grave, for which my mother holds the deed (£4, 1886), is in good nick. (In Polish this is called "Idziemy na groby.") Then I am rushing to the hospital to see a friend languishing there, poor sweet. Then there is a matter of groceries and soup-making for Polish Pretend Son is coming for the weekend. If I can I'm going to quiz my chaplain on modernist accusations leveled at the theology of the Atonement. And then there will be Mass, followed by guilty last-minute cleaning of flat.

The great enemy of all this activity is he seductive internet, so I am getting off it NOW!


Anonymous said...

"The great enemy of all this activity is he seductive internet, so I am getting off it NOW!"

The story of my adult life. I'm glad I'm already caught up on your blog, so I'm getting off NOW as well. :)


Jackie said...

Hope it all went swimmingly, Seraphic!

By the way, when things calm down, if you ever feel like sharing your soup recipes that would be greatly appreciated. :-)