Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Gilbert & Me

Yes, I know that legions of you just want GKC back from the dead. So I've done my best to recapture l'esprit Chestertonian here.

Incidentally, getting married sometimes means going to Mass in another language. If you marry a Ukrainian Catholic, that language is Ukrainian. If you marry Benedict Ambrose, that language is....


Jessica said...

I never realized that your husband's name is not, in fact, BA! ;)

Seraphic said...

Alisha still calls him BA! I think Clio does, too!

In fact, a large percentage of readers who have actually met BA in real life keep calling him BA.

Anne-Marie said...

You got goosebumps and a tear for that one! Thank you Auntie!

anne-marie said...

Dear Seraphic,
In which blog post did you have the link to the story of GK and Frances' meeting? I wanted to have a re-read.
Thanks, Anne-Marie

Seraphic said...

I didn't, but here's what GKC wrote in his autobio:

"The secretary of this debating-club [the IDK] always proved her efficiency by entirely refusing to debate. She was one of a family of sisters, with one brother, whom I had grown to know through the offices of Oldershaw; and they had a cousin on the premises who was engaged to a German professor and permanently fascinated by the subject of German fairy-tales. She was naturally attracted also to the Celtic fairy-tales that were loose in the neighbourhood; and one day she came back glowing in the news that Willie Yeats had cast her horoscope, or performed such occult rite, and told her that was especially under the influence of the moom. I happened to mention this to a sister of the secretary, who had only just returned to the family circle, and she told me in the most normal and unpretentious tone that she hated the moon.

I talked the same lady several times afterwards; and found that this was a perfectly honest statement of the fact....

GKC, "The Fantastic Suburb", Autobiography