Friday 27 June 2014

Cherry Vodka, Bardzo Słodka

That rhyme only works in Pol-Eng, which is my personal mix of Polish and Polish. Bardzo słodka means very sweet, and I have stuffed 500 g of cherries in a big jar and poured 700 mL of vodka on top. In a few weeks, I will see how they are doing, and then decide upon a sweetening method. I don't want my cherry vodka tincture to become TOO sweet.

I really love this store, but I don't love their prices, so I shall begin my own line of tinctures for home consumption and Christmas presents.

When I was Single I never, ever drank alone because I had heard too many stories of elderly widows and widowers becoming alcoholics in their old age by drinking alone. And, really, alcohol is not really a thing in my family, drinkers of milk, except when they are on holiday--at least, when they are on holiday in Britain. Then they drink enough wine and gin to float a boat, and the Master of the Men's Schola loves to remind me of my claim that that my family drinks one measly bottles of wine together a year (Christmas).

I have never really seen the point of drinking alone, or being tipsy alone. It's one of those activities (and states) best with friends and family. When alone, I prefer a nice cup of tea, or a coffee, or even a nice steaming cup of broth.


Anonymous said...

My mother did the same thing once (pickle cherries in vodka). The issue was not the vodka becoming too sweet - it didn't - but the cherries becoming breathtakingly alcoholic. She used them - sparingly - in desserts.


Sheila said...

I know someone who makes cherry (and strawberry, and plum) cordial. She layers the fruit with sugar cubes. It's pretty tasty; sweet, but I like it sweet.

I'm not at all a drinker. I drink brandy when I have a cold, and sometimes ONE hard cider at a party, and that's about it.

Seraphic said...

When it is plum season, I will make plum vodka!