Monday 30 September 2013

Polandball Has Discovering

Update: No, Polish Pretend Son did not hack my blog. Polandball is an internet phenomenon/joke that has been carrying on for almost five years. One of its enduring in-jokes/put-downs is "Poland cannot into space." It is very not PC (although SFW). But what interests me is that no-one claims authorship for their cartoons, which I think is cool, but does ring another death-knell for the hopes of creative types ("content providers") to earn a living wage.


Heather in Toronto said...

What is this I don't even...

Reminds me of Hetalia, or Scandinavia and the World.

Urszula said...

I love it when you introduce me to elements of Polish culture. This is awesome.

Seraphic said...

Polandball is awesome. If you read it long enough, you start automatically generating Polandball-speak. And, amusingly, although one of the themes running through Polandball is that Poland does not have relevance, obviously Poland has relevance for Polandball.