Saturday, 14 January 2012

Hilary Cancer Free

Thanks from a friend of Hilary's to everyone who said a prayer or donated a dollar towards Hilary White's fight against cancer. See Hilary's news here.

Cancer is really a lousy thing to have, as I never really thought about until Hilary got it. I personally have been taking steps to prevent those cancers which can be prevented. For me that means more exercise, more veg, more fruit, more fibre, zero crisps, zero pie shops and much less booze. Also, as all sexually active (or formerly sexually active) women should do, I get regular tests for cervical cancer.

Long-time readers already know how I feel about sunbathing and tanning. Bad, bad, bad. At 40, I have better skin than some friends in their early 30s. And why? Well, it's partly genetic. But it's partly because I shun the sun. In Italy, Hilary and I wore huge floppy hats and long linen skirts as I pushed her wheelchair up and down cheeky little hills to the doctor's office. I only went into the sea once before dusk, and that's when I was there on holiday with that madman B.A. (After 20 minutes I fled for shelter, thus avoiding the nasty sunburn he got.)

Anyway, yay for the good news, boo to cancer, and into the cart with the fruit and veg. I think I will have an eeny glass of wine tonight to celebrate Hilary's cancer-freedom.


Hilary Jane Margaret White said...

I might just go mad myself with that bottle of prosecco that's been sitting in the fridge since Christmas

Mrs McLean said...


Anne said...

That's wonderful news! So happy to hear it! Best of health to her (and you! and everyone!)


Buttercup said...

Sun screen and hats, perfect together. Glad for Hilary's good news.

Eowyn said...


Anonymous said...

This is wonderful news. I have been including Hilary in my prayers.


Hilary Jane Margaret White said...

And a little note to the wise: I was told many times that the reason the doctors were so hopeful was my excellent general health. All my life I've had a good diet of fresh fruit and veg, whole grains and lean meat and fish. I haven't been big into sports or exercise, but I used to fence and the years I spent training for that have left me with a lasting physical robustness.

They also said that the most important factor after my general health was that I never smoked. Smoking, even if it doesn't give you cancer, so erodes your body that it makes it difficult to recover from illnesses. If I'd ever smoked, even in the past, they would probably not have been able to do the chemotherapy that they said was the key to slowing the cancer spread and making it possible to remove it completely.

Don't smoke. If you do, quit. Seriously. You have no right to indulge in something that will so endanger your health. Even booze and fatty foods aren't as harmful as smoking.

not a minx, a moron, or a parasite said...

Thanks be to God!!!

Kate P said...

Thanks be to God, and yay, Hilary! Thanks for sharing the news, Seraphic. You are a kind friend.

Catholic Bibliophagist said...

Thank you for sharing this very good news!


Mary said...

Fantastic news, praise God!!! Go Hilary!!!